UI Coverage Add-on

Identify testing gaps with UI Coverage

Start a free trial of UI Coverage to easily track, monitor, and visualize test coverage to prevent regressions by ensuring critical flows of your app are tested.

Please note: UI Coverage is an add-on, separate from Cloud subscriptions.

UI Coverage Report
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UI Coverage

Track, monitor, and visualize test coverage

Visualize Coverage

UI Coverage provides a visual overview of test coverage across every page and component of your app, offering clear insights into uncovered areas that everyone can understand.


Close Testing Gaps

Increase release confidence by closing testing gaps in critical app flows. Leverage data-driven insights to cover untested areas, reduce incidents, and improve app quality.

Screenshot of the UI Coverage report page for all views.

Monitor Changes

Track coverage changes as your app evolves, with insights on every commit. Use automated checks to prevent coverage gaps and address issues before release.


Reduce Test Duplication

Identify and eliminate duplicate tests to speed up runs, reduce CI costs, and maintain a leaner, more efficient test suite.


Instant Reports

UI Coverage works instantly, with no setup or code instrumentation required. Easily customize reports to fit your needs with flexible configuration options.


What our customers are saying

Discover how enterprise teams are transforming their testing and enhancing product quality with UI Coverage.

Frequently asked questions

How is UI Coverage different from code coverage?

When you think of code coverage, you likely picture a report full of directories, files, numbers, and lines of code. But unless you deeply understand what that code means for your app, those reports can fall short in helping your entire team collaborate and prioritize test coverage effectively.

UI Coverage takes a different approach—it mirrors the user’s perspective, focusing on app pages, components, and elements. It then layers a heat map over the pages, clearly showing what parts have been tested and what haven’t. This user-centric design fosters collaboration across the team, involving developers, product managers, QA engineers, and engineering leaders in testing discussions.

Plus, UI Coverage seamlessly integrates with your Cypress tests, building on the tests you've already written—no extra instrumentation required like with traditional code coverage tools.

How does Cypress measure and report test coverage for my application?

Every page and component visited by your Cypress tests—whether end-to-end or component tests—receives a thorough analysis. UI Coverage captures snapshots that represent unique DOM states, covering not just failures but the complete range of possible interactions and page states. This includes interactive elements like sign-in buttons, payment buttons, dropdown menus, form fields, range sliders, and more.

We then analyze your existing tests to determine whether interactive elements were interacted with, such as links that haven’t been clicked or pages that haven't been visited. This helps calculate a UI Coverage score, providing insights into what parts of your app are tested and what remains untested.

What’s considered an interactive element?

UI Coverage uses a set of rules, based on HTML semantics, WHATWG standards, as well as some additional rules defined by Cypress, to determine which elements are interactive.

Is there an automated way to notify us when the UI Coverage of our app changes?

Yes, UI Coverage results can be accessed in CI workflows to set custom thresholds, fail builds, or respond to changes in test coverage.

Is it possible to exclude certain elements or URLs in UI Coverage?

Yes, you can customize and fine-tune UI Coverage in Cypress to fit your specific needs and scenarios. While it’s designed to work seamlessly out of the box, custom configurations can help address unique application structures, testing requirements, or edge cases as needed.

Is UI Coverage included in a Cloud subscription?

No, UI Coverage is available as an add-on with separate pricing—but you can start with a free trial. Add-ons are billed annually, and reports are generated on every test run without any extra usage-based charges. Request a free trial to explore it further.