Sharing our challenges, mistakes, hacks, successes, opinions and news
Cypress makes it incredibly easy to read their code. Even people that don’t work with Cypress here at Slido can easily understand what is going on in the test code...
This blog post shows how to control native <select> HTML elements from Cypress tests. We will also look at how to work with a very popular wrapper library called Select2, that supplants the native <select> elements with an additional HTML markup.
Let's take an application that has an <input type="color"> element. When the user picks a new color, the application changes a CSS variable which controls the background color. In action, it looks like this...
Cypress as a company represents a lot of things I love about tech—the Test Runner is free and open source, we’re a distributed team, and I get to work with some incredibly smart people to make it easier for people to write and test better software.
This blog post aims to convince my fellow QA engineers to learn and use Cypress.
Your application might be a layered cake of historical data. Often old records are missing pieces because at first the web application never asked for them, or never validated them.
Why is testing a web application so hard? Why generic browser automation tools do not fit well the UI/E2E testing needs? Why does Cypress outstand? A generic features comparison is not enough to understand what are the main UI Testing pains and how Cypress removes them.
Last week, we presented a live webcast on how the Automation Platform team runs over 900 Cypress tests daily to make sure PlanGrid’s mission-critical services are available worldwide with the highest quality and accuracy.
In this blog post I will show how to interact with DOM elements inside an iframe (even if the iframe is served from another domain), how to spy on window.fetch requests that the iframe makes, and even how to stub XHR requests from the iframe.