An amazing thing happened a few days ago—we reached 10,000 stars on Github, less than two years after making our open-source repo available.
10,000 Github stars in two years! Source
If you haven’t tried Cypress yet, check out our docs and give our automated testing tool and dashboard a try—getting started takes just 5 minutes. We think you’ll be pleased with the power and ease of use of our testing framework, the Test Runner which captures screenshots and video of your tests, and our dashboard service that provides deeper insights and history of your test runs.
We can’t do this without you, so we’d like to say a huge thank you to our passionate community, Test Runner and Dashboard users, and our open source contributors. We know we’ve got a lot of hard work ahead of us, and we’re already hard at work on the features you and other members of our community have requested and entrusted us to deliver.

The Road to 20k
We’re also focused on reaching the next milestone: 20k stars. Here’s how we plan to get there:
Keep laser-focused on developers and quality assurance engineers, making it simple to use. We’re improving documentation, error messages, intelligent code completion, and refining the test runner’s command API to make it more intuitive to get started and ramp up faster.
Develop the “must-have” new features for a modern, end-to-end testing tool, including native events and cross-browser support. (Follow issue #3207 to keep up with these efforts.)
Work with our partners to make testing a simpler part of existing 3rd party tooling. We want to make Cypress easy to run on continuous integration systems, and the results should be easy to import into the common reporting tools.
Make component testing a first class citizen in Cypress by bringing all
packages into Cypress core, unifying into a common API, and solving a few remaining issues with testing components in isolation.
Stay tuned for a few other surprises we’re working on that are guaranteed to make your lives easier. For now, it’s too early to announce, so follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook to be the first to know!
Join Our Team’s Journey
We know that our community is full of the smartest, savviest people we know, so we’d also like to point you to several full-time openings we have on the engineering and customer success teams in the Atlanta area. If you’re not in Atlanta, keep an eye on our jobs page—maybe something will work out in the future!
We’ve gotten this far with a small, scrappy team of engineers spread across the U.S. and around the world united by our love for code and the opportunity to be laser-focused on creating a product that truly makes developers’ lives easier… but if that’s not enough to convince you to apply, we also genuinely love working with each other and embracing a bit of fun. Besides day-to-day business, our Slack conversations include passionate conversations about connecting with our community, the merits of puppets, professional wrestling, and organizing covert raids on the building’s snack supplies.
